What to expect from jaw Botox!

Botox, or other brands such as Dysport or Xeomin, can be used in the masseter muscles for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. When injected into the masseters, Botox can temporarily weaken or paralyze these muscles, leading to a reduction in their size and strength. Our expert nurse injectors perform this treatment at our downtown San Diego medspa!
Cosmetically, Botox injections in the masseters are used to achieve facial slimming and a more defined jawline. By relaxing the masseter muscles, which are responsible for chewing and clenching, Botox can reduce their bulkiness and create a more aesthetically pleasing facial contour.
Therapeutically, Botox in the masseters can be used to treat certain medical conditions. For example, it may be used for teeth grinding, where excessive clenching of the masseter muscles can cause jaw pain, headaches, and tooth damage. By weakening the masseters, Botox can alleviate these symptoms and reduce the intensity of teeth grinding.
It's important to note that results aren’t immediate, with slimming taking 4-6 weeks to be noticeable. That’s why we schedule you for a complimentary follow up at Vitality Aesthetics, to assess progress and treat if needed!
Pricing and scheduling can be found here. We look forward to meeting you soon!