Dermal Fillers

Starting in the 30s, we lose facial volume extremely quickly. Some estimate as much as 3ml of volume are lost from the face each year. This includes the cheeks, temples, jawline, smile lines, and lips. If you want to correct volume loss or reduce the signs of aging, dermal fillers can restore balance to your face in a subtle way. This procedure can completely refresh your look and help you maintain or regain a youthful, fresh look, without looking overdone.
Our goal at Vitality is always to focus on what you find most beautiful about yourself and to emphasize and maintain it. Our approach is safe, tasteful, and artistic.
Facial balancing is also an important goal when it comes to fillers. Some patients may be bothered by a thin or thinning upper lip, or notice that the apples of their cheeks seem to be having some heaviness or sagging.
When it comes to facial fillers, we have many tools that we rely on, typically hyaluronic acid fillers such as Versa or Restalyne. It is important to have a consultation to determine the best treatment plan for you.
Facial balancing enhancement with filler
Our fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, which is structurally similar to collagen, yet it is much longer lasting. It can be injected into various areas and depths of the face. In addition to directly adding volume to the face, these fillers, called HA fillers, stimulate new collagen formation and act as a scaffolding for the new collagen.
Because hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body, there is a near-zero risk of an allergic reaction. We also use bioregenerative treatments like PRF and Sculptra to impact skin health under the surface.
The results of fillers are immediate. There may be some bruising and/or inflammation, which are expected, and swelling tends to decrease over the first couple of days. During this settling period, you may resume all normal activities.
Dermal fillers tend to be comparable to other injections with regards to the pain of the procedure itself. That being said, dermal fillers are commonly injected into more sensitive areas of the face, such as the lips. The cheeks, when injected with filler, are very low level discomfort, like a 1 out of ten. Lips can be more sensitive, so it’s common the provider will use a numbing cream to keep you comfortable.
Here are some of the ways we manage discomfort from procedures:
- Vibration tools to help distract the nervous system
- Strong combinations of topical cream to numb treatment sites before injection
- The fillers we use are premixed with lidocaine, to further decrease pain
- Ice is always provided
PRICE: $700 per syringe, may need several to achieve the most balanced, natural result. We recommend a free virtual consultation for exact pricing for your needs.
DOWNTIME: Swelling for a few days, depending on the areas injected.
Pre-treatment recommendations:
- If you have a history of cold sores, let your injector know. A prescription is needed in order to eliminate the chance of developing a cold sore after your injections are done.
- Avoid anti-inflammatory medication for 10 to 14 days prior to treatment. These increase the chance of bruising after treatments. Medications to avoid include Aspirin, Aleve, Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin, fish oil supplements, Vitamin E, ginko, and other NSAIDs.
- To reduce the risk of bruising, avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment.
- We recommend scheduling your appointment 1 to 2 weeks prior to any special event to allow plenty of time for filler to settle, and bruising and swelling to disappear.
- To reduce symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and lightheadedness make sure to eat a healthy breakfast before the procedure.
- Consider taking Arnica (over the counter) for 3 days before the procedure to prevent any bruising.
- Immediately after the procedure, you can expect to have some redness and swelling at the injection sites. This is your body’s normal inflammatory response, and it will not last long.
- Unless otherwise instructed, avoid massaging/touching the treated area for 24 hours after the procedure.
- Avoid any type of heavy lifting, exercise, or active straining for 24 hours after treatment.
- To avoid excess swelling, do not consume excess sodium or alcohol.
- For swelling, use a cool compress/ice pack for 5-10 minutes each hour and take Tylenol.
- If swelling persists, we recommend sleeping slightly elevated on your back.
- If bruising occurs, ice and Arnica Gel can be used to decrease the duration of the bruise.
- If you are unsure about your results, we recommend to wait a few days for swelling to decrease and the product to settle in.
- If you are eager for more volume, it is recommended to wait 4 weeks before adding more product. Follow ups are always available to evaluate and treat.

Facial balancing enhancement with filler